Atmospheric Phenomena Lab in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus dedicated this webpage to lightning phenomena. This Project was an effort done with the Industrial Affiliate Program (IAP). Lightning is a powerful event of nature, and ocurrs frequently on tropical weather regions. It is why we store and analyze the data received from lightning perturbations. This page is intended for anyone who would like to learn more about lightning phenomena. Any help or support can be achieved by contacting us. Enjoy your Visit!
Below there images of a Noise Floor, Phase Intensity and a Spectrogram. These images were captured using National Intruments' LabView. LabView is a powerful tool which provides excellent features to the access of measurements, graphical visualization and data storage. The Noise Floor shows the presence of a lightning discharge for a desired bandwidth. The Phase indicates how each frequency component's phase varies due to any perturbation. The Spectrogram shows the frequency spectrum as it varies in time.